Dr. Mrs. Nirved Jain - Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Specialist

Over time, the skin changes in four ways: it loses thickness, loses elasticity, loses adherence to the underlying tissue, and is affected by gravity. Also at the same time as age passes on, the deep layers of fat, muscle, and bone thin as well. This results in the sagging of skin from various areas of the body, one of which is your arm. For individuals facing similar conditions an Arm Lift procedure is the perfect solution.

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, reduces excess skin and fat between the underar and the elbow, reshapes your arm to result in smoother skin and contours, and results in more toned and proportionate appearance which gives the beneficiary a more firmer and youthful contour. 


How is the Arm Lift surgery performed?

During an Arm Lift surgery, after giving the patient general anesthesia, an incision is made along the underside of the upper arm from after the elbow to the area near the underarm. Your surgeon Dr. Mrs. Nirved Jain takes care to make the incisions in the least conspicuous place. Once the unwanted tissue, fat and skin is exposed it is removed carefully to restore the natural shape and contour of the arm. At times liposuction technique can be used to remove the excessive fat from the arm, depending on the needs of the patient. Once fat and tissue are removed, the incision is closed and bandaged.


How long does an Arm Lift take to complete & is it a very painful experience?

The surgery for an arm lift takes about three to four hours, depending on the amount of skin removal and liposuction required. It is done under a general anesthetic and the post-operative recovery is not significantly painful or uncomfortable.


When are the effects of an Arm Lift Surgery visible & how long will they last?

The compression bandage must be worn until the 4th-6th week after the Plastic Surgery. The healing of the scar can last up to 18 months. The results of the Arm Lift can be seen when the stitches are removed, which is generally within 2 weeks after the procedure is performed.

If you watch your weight and do not have any great weight fluctuation, you can enjoy the results of the surgery for 10-15 years.


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